Milan  Kashiyani

(Profile submited on: 14, November 2023)
Presonal Details
Name Milan
Surname Kashiyani
Birth Date 15-09-1993
Height 5 Ft. 7 In.
Weight 70 - 75 Kg
Complexion Brown
Body Type Average
Marital Status Unmarried
About Me
kind-hearted and family-oriented person with a passion for cooking and traveling. I believe in mutual respect and open communication in a marriage. Brother and sister in law lives in Australia and I am also interested in going to Australia for living.
Partner Preference
someone who is kind-hearted, understanding, and has a positive outlook towards life. She should be ambitious, career-oriented, physically affectionate, and humorous and emotionally mature. I value honesty, loyalty, and good communication skills, and I expect my partner to share the same values.
Other Details
Contact Details
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Country India
State Gujarat
City Rajkot
Pincode 360001
Education & Occupation
Education BE Electrical
Occupation Relationship Officer at Axis Bank Rajkot
Monthly Income 50000
Office Address
Time Square 2 Axis Bank Loan Center , Near Madhapar Chowk , Ayodhya Chowk , Rajkot-360006.
Family Details
Father Name Sureshbhai Gangdasbhai Kashiyani
Mother Name Rasilaben Sureshbhai Kashiyani
Father Occupation Retired from Government Job
Father's Monthly Income 70000
Married Brother 1
Unmarrid Brother 0
Married Sister 0
Unmarrid Sister 0
Maternal & Native Details
Maternal Surname Tank
Maternal Village Bodka(Jodiya)
Native Village Jayva +91 70458 66181 - Mumbai (Maharastra) +91 73834 10646 - Rajkot (Gujrat)
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