Janak Vegad

(Profile submited on: 17, July 2023)
Presonal Details
Name Janak
Surname Vegad
Birth Date 30-09-1990
Height 5 Ft. 6 In.
Weight 65 - 70 Kg
Complexion Wheatish
Body Type Average
Marital Status Unmarried
About Me
I am a kind-hearted and family-oriented person with a passion for my work and travelling. I believe in mutual respect and open communication in a marriage.
Partner Preference
am looking for an honest, caring partner who want to settle with me in London (United Kingdom).
Other Details
I love cooking, Travelling and sport.
Contact Details
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Country India
State Gujarat
City Surat
Pincode 395004
Education & Occupation
Occupation Manager
Monthly Income 280000
Office Address
Masons Scaffolding Ltd (UNITED KINGDOM)
Family Details
Father Name Gordhanbhai Kanjibhai Vegad
Mother Name Vijayaben Gordhanbhai Vegad
Father Occupation Textile
Father's Monthly Income 30000
Married Brother 1
Unmarrid Brother 0
Married Sister 1
Unmarrid Sister 0
Maternal & Native Details
Maternal Surname Kacha
Maternal Village Ishapar
Native Village Gavadaka
admin@kadiyasamajvivah.in +91 70458 66181 - Mumbai (Maharastra) +91 73834 10646 - Rajkot (Gujrat)
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